Greg Boatright
GREG BOATWRIGHT began his musical career as a pianist for his church at age 12. After many musical achievements in middle school and high school, he completed the BM, MM, and DMA degrees at USC. Dr. Boatwright’s mentors include Max Camp, Arpad Darazs, and Dick Goodwin. He has been the recipient of numerous awards for performance and composition. Boatwright has been the music director for theatrical productions at USC, Heathwood Hall, Town Theatre, Workshop Theatre, Palmetto Center for the Arts, FBN Productions, and others. His compositions include numerous choral arrangements and solo songs, the opera, Goldilocks, the musical, Far Above Rubies, the song and dance work, Sistine Di Michelangelo, the musical, Mother Juice, and the upcoming musical, Mother Juice in China. Boatwright currently serves as director of music for Virginia Wingard Memorial United Methodist Church. He also serves as the collaborative pianist for USC Musical Theatre Concentration and will serve as Artistic Director for the Broad River Arts Center, scheduled to open in 2023.